Pinterest Success Strategies & Best Practices

We recently watched a brilliant Tailwind webinar with the head of Pinterest marketing. There is so much advice and varying strategy tips out there and the Pinterest waters can get a little murky. The webinar is well worth watching because she answered so many questions, cleared up so many queries and offered recommendations on what businesses need to do and are the best practices to use Pinterest successfully.

We wanted to share with you these brilliant Pinterest strategy tips and tricks from a true Pinterest aficionado.

Pinterest success strategies straight from the horse’s mouth….

Five Pinterest Success Strategies

1. Does it matter when and how often I pin?

For Pinterest the time of day isn’t important  it will still be shared. There are now 3 ways your content can be discovered. The smart feed (home feed), the newly introduced followers feed and hashtags. Pins on your followers feed is added chronologically so it will be good to keep an eye on when your followers are using Pinterest and engaging with your pins to see if this effects when you Pin.

There is no recommended daily amount of pins what is important is that your consistent. Pinterest favours consistency over volume so rather than bulk pinning 50 on Monday and then none until Friday the better strategy is to pin 10 a day.

2. The first 5 pins of the day. Why are they important?

The first 5 Pins you save each day will be prioritized for distribution. Make these your pins, the content you want people to see. This is because the your first 5 pins will be shown in chronological order on your followers feed first. Then other follower’s pins will follow yours and your other pins will be shown later. This is so follower feeds aren’t populated by pins from one account and Pinterest spreads out the content and reduces the risk of being unfollowed because your account’s feed is taking up too much of someone’s feed. This reinforces that consistency is key!

3 How are your Pins discovered?

Your Pins are distributed to your followers, your loyal audience, first. Then the pins that are getting engagement will be shown in search, the smart feed and related pins. So the first thing is to make sure the pin is engaging and resonating with your audience (followers) The second thing is to treat the pins with the best SEO practices and include a keyword rich pin description.

4. Should we delete under-performing Pins?

‘No’ deleting pins is not good Pinterest practice and underperforming pins do not affect your overall performance.

5. Where should we use our keywords?

First and foremost use keywords in the Pin description. This is priority. Include what the pin is specifically about and what it is in broader terms. For example for a recipe include the specific ingredients and how it is cooked but also when and where you eat the dish. Al fresco dining, midweek dinner, child friendly etc.

Keyword rich Pinterest profile descriptions and Pinterest board descriptions will ensure your pins perform better. When a pin is saved it brings with it all the data and info from the board with it. It also to important the pin description pinned from a blogpost or article matches what the content is about.

Great insights into how the top bods at Pinterest recommend we use the platform to achieve Pinterest success we think you’ll agree ??

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Wondering if Pinterest will work for your small business? Check out our blog on why Pinterest works